Episode 17: Elle Griffin


You Don't Need a Publisher: How Elle Griffin is Serializing Her Novels on Substack

Elle Griffin set out to query her gothic novel and, in the process, made some disappointing discoveries about the publishing industry that led her to serialize it on Substack. Today she's going to share her journey down this unconventional path that definitely has some upsides, like making $19K her first year on Substack and retaining the rights to her work. Elle also shares why Anne Lamott's shitty first draft advice does not work for her, what it's been like writing her second serialized novel as she's publishing it, and more. Elle is the author of the gothic novel Obscurity, and she's currently writing a utopian novel called Oblivion. Subscribe to The Novelleist, Elle's newsletter imagining a more beautiful future, on Substack.


Listen to full episode :


Episode 18: Matt Bell


Episode 16: Kailey Brennan DelloRusso